Penn pilot study: Group of Bradford Co, Pa. residents concerned about health effects of hydrofracking

“Almost a quarter of participants consider natural gas operations to be a contributor to their health issues, indicating that there is clearly a concern among residents that should be addressed.” Continue reading Penn pilot study: Group of Bradford Co, Pa. residents concerned about health effects of hydrofracking

‘Ecosocialist’ conference: ‘Capitalism is trying to kill the planet, but the people are rising up’

Au contraire, mon camarade: if anything, capitalism has saved the planet. Continue reading ‘Ecosocialist’ conference: ‘Capitalism is trying to kill the planet, but the people are rising up’

‘Ecosocialists’ hold conference: Accuse Israel of ‘environmental racism’ against Palestinians

“THE ECOSOCIALIST Conference, a broad and enthusiastic all-day meeting in New York City on April 20, took a big step toward creating an anti-capitalist wing of the environmental movement.” Continue reading ‘Ecosocialists’ hold conference: Accuse Israel of ‘environmental racism’ against Palestinians

Fracking Denier McKibben: ‘Natural gas provides at best a kind of fad diet… but crash diet needed to limit damage from climate change’

No wonder we’re winning. Continue reading Fracking Denier McKibben: ‘Natural gas provides at best a kind of fad diet… but crash diet needed to limit damage from climate change’

Browner: Confident that Obama will regulate existing coal plants

“I think what you’ll see this term is more greenhouse gas requirements, particularly on new and existing coal-fired power plants.” Continue reading Browner: Confident that Obama will regulate existing coal plants

Gov. Chris Christie reduces clean energy welfare in NJ: Enviros label him ‘either a liar or a flip-flopper’

“New Jersey is a lapsed state. It has succumbed to the dark side.” Continue reading Gov. Chris Christie reduces clean energy welfare in NJ: Enviros label him ‘either a liar or a flip-flopper’

20 Years Ago: 4-28-93 — EPA to study cancer risk from chlorinated water vapor in showers

A golden oldie from the environmentalist war against the periodic table. Continue reading 20 Years Ago: 4-28-93 — EPA to study cancer risk from chlorinated water vapor in showers