Why Al Gore is wrong about us burning 80x more coal than at the peak of the Industrial Revolution

Earth to Al: First, the industrial revolution is not over — but much of it has moved to China. Second, the IR has not peaked. We may burn much more coal today than 100 years ago, but we create much more wealth with the coal we burn. Continue reading Why Al Gore is wrong about us burning 80x more coal than at the peak of the Industrial Revolution

Enviros decry Keystone XL as ‘global genocide’ at public hearings in Nebraska

“U.S. construction workers, environmentalists and company executives squared off on Thursday at a raucous meeting on the Keystone XL oil pipeline, but it was unclear the gathering changed any minds on the controversial project.” Continue reading Enviros decry Keystone XL as ‘global genocide’ at public hearings in Nebraska

New Scare: The Carbon Bubble — Are $6 trillion in fossil fuel investment really going to go ‘poof’ because there is no global warming?

No one alive today will see the end of fossil fuel use. Continue reading New Scare: The Carbon Bubble — Are $6 trillion in fossil fuel investment really going to go ‘poof’ because there is no global warming?

Science Fair Project: Organic produce healthier — for fruit flies

Sadly for this young scientist, nutrient levels in organic and conventional produce are the same, regardless of what happened to the fruit flies. Possibly lower pesticides residues may have had something to do with fruit fly health — but that’s pesticides’ raison d’etre. Kudos for creativity, though! Continue reading Science Fair Project: Organic produce healthier — for fruit flies

EPA faulted by Inspector General for delaying studies of asbestos dangers in Montana town

“Internal investigators faulted the Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday for years of delays in completing health studies needed to guide the cleanup of a Montana mining town where hundreds of people have died from asbestos exposure.” Continue reading EPA faulted by Inspector General for delaying studies of asbestos dangers in Montana town

What’s really melting — Media coverage of global warming: Down 80%, according to Canadian government

“An Environment Canada document leaked to the Climate Action Network states that ‘media coverage of climate change science, our most high-profile issue, has been reduced by over 80 per cent.'” Continue reading What’s really melting — Media coverage of global warming: Down 80%, according to Canadian government

UK Met Office: ‘Too early to be sure’ global warming to blame for second coldest March since 1910

“Britain’s Met Office has fingered climate change as a possible factor in the bitterly cold start to spring that froze newborn lambs to death and scared shoppers from windswept high streets.” Continue reading UK Met Office: ‘Too early to be sure’ global warming to blame for second coldest March since 1910

Illinois Congressman introduces bill to curb CDC-funded propaganda against politically incorrect foods and beverages

It’s called the “Stopping Taxpayer Outlays for Propaganda Act” (STOP Act). Continue reading Illinois Congressman introduces bill to curb CDC-funded propaganda against politically incorrect foods and beverages

House Energy Committee Chair Fred Upton: ‘Frankly, a lot of us believe Republicans are in the majority because of cap-and-trade’

Reason #2: The National Journal says there are no electoral consequences to Congressional Republicans for opposing action on climate. Continue reading House Energy Committee Chair Fred Upton: ‘Frankly, a lot of us believe Republicans are in the majority because of cap-and-trade’