The Atlantic: How Health Research Misdirects Us

While this article is targeted at the pharmaceutical, nutriceutical and dietary supplement industries, it could just as well be applied to the junk science techniques of environmentalists, chemophobes and food nannies. Continue reading The Atlantic: How Health Research Misdirects Us

Bad blood of research: Do human experimenters take the ‘informed consent’ requirement seriously?

A psychiatrist recommends a patient for a University of Minnesota antipsychotic clinical trial — even though one week earlier the psychiatrist recommended the patient be involuntarily committed. The patient subsequently committed suicide, possibly but not certainly because of the medication. Question: How could patient possibly have provided “informed consent” to participate in the clinical trial? Continue reading Bad blood of research: Do human experimenters take the ‘informed consent’ requirement seriously?

Stanford Prof: ‘It’s absolutely not true that we need natural gas, coal or oil — we think it’s a myth’

You first. Continue reading Stanford Prof: ‘It’s absolutely not true that we need natural gas, coal or oil — we think it’s a myth’

Hansen-made retroactive global warming: Over the past year, Hansen caused 0.15 degrees C of warming from 1910-2012

Jim Hansen has created about 0.15 degrees C of warming all by his lonesome. Continue reading Hansen-made retroactive global warming: Over the past year, Hansen caused 0.15 degrees C of warming from 1910-2012

Britain gets worst snow in 30 years; Flashback to March 2000 — ‘Children just aren’t going to know what snow is’ Climategater said

That’s what Climategater David Viner told The Independent in March 2000. Continue reading Britain gets worst snow in 30 years; Flashback to March 2000 — ‘Children just aren’t going to know what snow is’ Climategater said

Carbon taxes spurned in Senate budget vote, 41-58: 13 Dems rejected late plea from Al Gore

Al Gore urged a carbon tax today. The Senate rejected his plea. Continue reading Carbon taxes spurned in Senate budget vote, 41-58: 13 Dems rejected late plea from Al Gore

IBD: BLS Releases Another Phony ‘Green Jobs’ Report

“As yet another Solyndra looms, a new government report shows that by the government’s own broad definition of a green job, more can be found in a coal mine than near a solar panel.” Continue reading IBD: BLS Releases Another Phony ‘Green Jobs’ Report