Five Guys’ cheeseburgers aren’t killing anyone

NYTimes writer Timothy Egan spotlights what he doesn’t know about diet and health. The diet-heart hypothesis was debunked long ago. No doubt Egan missed that development because he was working within the NYTimes’ anti-science force field. Continue reading Five Guys’ cheeseburgers aren’t killing anyone

UN Economist: Atmosphere could absorb at most another one trillion tons of CO2

How would the economist know? Do economists even know anything about the economy? Finally, there is already more greenhouse gas in the atmosphere than there is radiation available to be absorbed. The atmosphere can hold a lot more CO2 with little (if any) warming effect. Continue reading UN Economist: Atmosphere could absorb at most another one trillion tons of CO2

Where’s the global warming mate? Cold weather puts Britain on brink of running out of gas

Isn’t spring supposed to be coming earlier these days? Continue reading Where’s the global warming mate? Cold weather puts Britain on brink of running out of gas

Earth Hour: Vain Symbolism, Environmentally Unfriendly

For 60 minutes Saturday night, those living in the shallows of our culture will kill their lights during Earth Hour to increase awareness of climate change. Some will feel self-righteous. Nothing will be achieved. Continue reading Earth Hour: Vain Symbolism, Environmentally Unfriendly