UWashington Letter to Human Guinea Pigs: Oops…we exposed you to a carcinogen!

Last October, the University of Washington retro-actively informed its human study subjects in an EPA-funded study going back 10+ years that its researchers had exposed them to a substance classified by the World Health Organization as “carcinogenic to humans.” Continue reading UWashington Letter to Human Guinea Pigs: Oops…we exposed you to a carcinogen!

The Great Green Con no. 1: The hard proof that finally shows global warming forecasts that are costing you billions were WRONG all along

From the Daily Mail: “No, the world ISN’T getting warmer (as you may have noticed). Now we reveal the official data that’s making scientists suddenly change their minds about climate doom. So will eco-funded MPs stop waging a green crusade with your money? Well… what do YOU think?” Continue reading The Great Green Con no. 1: The hard proof that finally shows global warming forecasts that are costing you billions were WRONG all along

World’s largest concentrated solar plant now online: Represents a carbon price of $171 per ton

US warmists advocate legislation that prices carbon at about $20 to start. Continue reading World’s largest concentrated solar plant now online: Represents a carbon price of $171 per ton

The Guardian: Bee-harming pesticides escape proposed European ban

“Commission proposal to suspend use of neonicotinoids fails to gain majority, but could still be enforced by appeals committee.” Continue reading The Guardian: Bee-harming pesticides escape proposed European ban

UK: Climate debate cut from national curriculum for children up to 14

“New draft guidelines for key stages 1 to 3 criticised by scientists for ‘abdicating duty to future generations’.” Continue reading UK: Climate debate cut from national curriculum for children up to 14

Enviros sweat possible delay in EPA greenhouse rules for coal plants; Agency hiding behind one million submitted comments

EPA claims it is still reviewing the one million comments it received on the rule. Continue reading Enviros sweat possible delay in EPA greenhouse rules for coal plants; Agency hiding behind one million submitted comments

Pot, Kettle: Joe Romm on Joe Nocera — ‘CMO (Chief Misinformation Officer) of the climate ignorati’

But the only difference between Joe Romm and Joe Nocera is time. Both are still wrong. Climate change is irreversible on any scale. Continue reading Pot, Kettle: Joe Romm on Joe Nocera — ‘CMO (Chief Misinformation Officer) of the climate ignorati’

Exposure data ‘Achilles’ heel’ of air quality research

“The lack of quality exposure data is the “Achilles’ heel” of research on the health impacts of air pollution, King’s College London Professor Frank Kelly said last week.” Continue reading Exposure data ‘Achilles’ heel’ of air quality research