Bloomberg Soda Ban Absurdity: (Banned) 20oz. Coke vs. (non-banned) Venti Mocha Frappucino

Starbucks says it doesn’t have to comply with Mike Bloomberg’s sugary drink ban because its large drinks contain milk. But how much sugar? We report. You decide — whether Starbucks will be skirting the law. Continue reading Bloomberg Soda Ban Absurdity: (Banned) 20oz. Coke vs. (non-banned) Venti Mocha Frappucino

EPA accused of hacking private e-mail to block investigation of misdeeds at Montana Superfund site

EPA has been accused of hacking into a private e-mail account in order to interfere with and/or block investigation of its conduct related to the Superfund cleanup of asbestos-contaminated Libby, Montana. The veracity of the allegation has been confirmed by an investigator with the EPA Office of Inspector General (OIG). Continue reading EPA accused of hacking private e-mail to block investigation of misdeeds at Montana Superfund site

NASA scientist hits climate models for failure to use actual sea-ice data

Realistic sea-ice data reproduced Eurasian winter temperature patterns better than assumed sea-ice “data.” Continue reading NASA scientist hits climate models for failure to use actual sea-ice data

Out of Touch: Climate Change Is The Biggest Threat In The Pacific, Says Top U.S. Admiral

Not North Korea? or China vs. Japan? It’s Tarawa? Continue reading Out of Touch: Climate Change Is The Biggest Threat In The Pacific, Says Top U.S. Admiral

Mann praises NYTimes for anti-Keystone editorial — which admits that pipeline won’t ‘push world into a climate ‘apocalypse’

In the end, Mann seems to be just another anti-development green masquerading as an unbiased scientist. Continue reading Mann praises NYTimes for anti-Keystone editorial — which admits that pipeline won’t ‘push world into a climate ‘apocalypse’

Mayor Bloomberg: ‘Obesity is killing more than 5,000 New Yorkers each year’; Links deaths to soda consumption

Bloomberg ignores socio-economic status in blaming sugary drinks for deaths. Continue reading Mayor Bloomberg: ‘Obesity is killing more than 5,000 New Yorkers each year’; Links deaths to soda consumption

Glover: The Green Agenda and the Political Tipping Point

“It’s not a good time to be ‘green’. In recent months the news undermining the entire green eco-alarmist agenda has been relentlessly unhelpful.” Continue reading Glover: The Green Agenda and the Political Tipping Point

Washington DC aspires to be ‘greenest’ city in the US — but goal is threatened by the sequester

If DC’s “sustainability” funding is being cut, it must not be that important in the first place. Continue reading Washington DC aspires to be ‘greenest’ city in the US — but goal is threatened by the sequester