UK Green Terrorist Recants: Blames enviros for global warming, supports biotech rice

A former first-string campaigner, now the greens consider him a non-person. Continue reading UK Green Terrorist Recants: Blames enviros for global warming, supports biotech rice

The calm before the solar storm? NASA warns ‘something unexpected is happening to the Sun’

What’s the warmest-ignored big yellow ball in the sky doing? Continue reading The calm before the solar storm? NASA warns ‘something unexpected is happening to the Sun’

Salon hits FoxNews’ Juan Williams for plagiarizing from Center for American Progress; Ignores WaPo’s Juliet Eilperin for ‘lifting’ CAP donor agenda

Fox bad; WaPo good? Continue reading Salon hits FoxNews’ Juan Williams for plagiarizing from Center for American Progress; Ignores WaPo’s Juliet Eilperin for ‘lifting’ CAP donor agenda

Keystone XL Hypocrisy: Opponent Tom Friedman rails about home energy use despite living in mega-mansion

Friedman writes in his Sunday NYTimes column: Continue reading Keystone XL Hypocrisy: Opponent Tom Friedman rails about home energy use despite living in mega-mansion

Feinstein: Veterans May Have PTSD And Should Not Be Exempt From Assault Weapons Ban

“Feinstein says a veteran may be mentally ill and should be prevented from purchasing firearms.” Continue reading Feinstein: Veterans May Have PTSD And Should Not Be Exempt From Assault Weapons Ban