Michael Mann to help ensure Everglades has water in the future

This project is only costing U.S. taxpayers $300K. Note Mann will also be working on “effective communication of scientific information in the face of potential biases.” Would those biases be his perchance? Continue reading Michael Mann to help ensure Everglades has water in the future

NYTimes: The Cosmetics Wars

The enviros are attacking cosmetic companies which are rushing to reformulate but will likley only wind up creating inferior products. Given the necessity of high-quality makeup to modern life, the question is this: how long will women put up with the enviro junk science and the cowardly cosmetic companies that won’t fight back? Continue reading NYTimes: The Cosmetics Wars

Video: Test driving the world’s smallest car — aka the ‘Hybrid Death Trap’

“If you’ve ever wondered how much further auto manufacturers could go with small economy vehicles like the Smart Car, we may have your answer.” Continue reading Video: Test driving the world’s smallest car — aka the ‘Hybrid Death Trap’

Study: Deniers like conspiracy theorists

“My colleagues and I published a paper recently that found evidence for the involvement of conspiracist ideation in the rejection of scientific propositions—from climate change to the link between tobacco and lung cancer, and between HIV and AIDS—among visitors to climate blogs.” Continue reading Study: Deniers like conspiracy theorists