UK: Horsemeat containing carcinogenic drug ‘may have entered food chain’

“Labour claims it has evidence that several horses slaughtered in UK last year tested positive for ‘bute’ or phenylbutazone.” Continue reading UK: Horsemeat containing carcinogenic drug ‘may have entered food chain’

Enviros: Four ways to respond to people who say the cold weather disproves global warming

Can’t wait until someone tries these on me. Note how #2 and #3 conflict, and #4 blows the enviros out of the water entirely. Continue reading Enviros: Four ways to respond to people who say the cold weather disproves global warming

Global Temperature Updates – 2012

“While Obama is imploring us to stop the global warming that is bringing us “the devastating impact of raging fires, and crippling drought, and more powerful storms”, it would seem to be a good idea to see exactly what global temperatures have been doing in the last year.” Continue reading Global Temperature Updates – 2012