Delingpole: Global Warming? Not a snowball's chance in hell

“But what all the observational data now tells us is that this alarmist theory (which was only given credence in the first place as a result of some ropey computer models) is bunk.” Continue reading Delingpole: Global Warming? Not a snowball's chance in hell

Sen. Boxer firms up plans for weekly ‘climate change clearinghouse'

“So I think it is going to be a very major and important clearinghouse because as the science comes in, we are going to take a look at that science so that we are all up to date.”… but isn’t the debate over? Continue reading Sen. Boxer firms up plans for weekly ‘climate change clearinghouse'

Impact of climate change on California's electricity infrastructure could be costly

“…the definition of extreme weather events, such as what constitutes a 100-year flood, will have to be changed…” Continue reading Impact of climate change on California's electricity infrastructure could be costly

EU to regulate motor vehicle noise: 'Disrupts organs', leads to cardiovascular and other diseases

Too bad for Fritz, Jacques and Mario…. No more “listen to her tachin’ up now.” No more “listen to her why-ee-eye-ine.” Continue reading EU to regulate motor vehicle noise: 'Disrupts organs', leads to cardiovascular and other diseases