Rep. McKinley Introduces Bipartisan Resolution Opposing Carbon Tax

“Given our current economic climate, this is the worst time to implement another tax on coal, oil and gas—industries that fuel our economy.” [McKinley Web Site]

So when would be a better time for a junk science-based carbon tax?

Lung Association Poll: Another Attempt to Influence Public Opinion in the Guise of Reporting It

“Of total respondents, 63% were in favor, 30% were opposed. So according to the ALA, the public supports tougher standards by 2 to 1. But since most respondents have probably never heard or thought about the issue until that moment, the results simply confirm what everybody already knows: Most people think air pollution is a bad thing and would prefer to have less of it.” []

‘Save the Environment…from Susan Rice’

“Ms. Rice ‘holds significant investments in more than a dozen Canadian oil companies and banks that would stand to benefit from expansion of the North American tar sands industry and construction of the proposed $7 billion Keystone XL pipeline.’ (, Nov. 28, 2012).” [Canada Free Press]

Global Gas Push Stalls: Firms Hit Hurdles Trying to Replicate U.S. Success Abroad

“Exporting the U.S. shale energy revolution overseas turns out to be far tougher than anyone expected—giving the U.S. a significant competitive advantage. Shale oil and natural gas have rejuvenated the North American energy industry and boosted the economy by supplying companies and consumers with cheap fuel. There are huge shale deposits outside of North America that global energy companies and governments are eager to tap. But oil companies are running into obstacles as they try to replicate the U.S. experience on other continents. The result is that significant overseas shale energy production could be a decade away.” [Wall Street Journal, Subscription Required]