EU to regulate motor vehicle noise: 'Disrupts organs', leads to cardiovascular and other diseases

Too bad for Fritz, Jacques and Mario…. No more “listen to her tachin’ up now.” No more “listen to her why-ee-eye-ine.”

“Persistent exposure to high levels of traffic noise may exhaust physical reserves, disrupt proper functioning of organs and lead to development of cardiovascular and other diseases. Half of the EU’s urban population is exposed to noise levels above 55 db as a result of ambient road noise.” [European Parliament News]

11 thoughts on “EU to regulate motor vehicle noise: 'Disrupts organs', leads to cardiovascular and other diseases”

  1. Definitely Allen. And if they try to impound the vehicle while I am in the air, I have a little trick up my sleeve.

  2. Oh, – and KDP – if they try to stop my Buick, I’ll be at the airport and aboard my bi-plane before they can say “Jack Robinson”. And yes, they may impound the old girl. But a few dollars will solve the problem. Every car has its price. At least the pedestrians will be safe.

  3. Ah, Allen, if you had a 1988 Buick like myself you would have had a problem even WITH a muffler. Get with the strength lad.

  4. I like that last part about the supplemental noise system to warn pedestrians. Let’s see … We make the vehicle so quiet that no one can hear it coming so we have to add a noisemaker so no one is harmed while crossing the street.

    Do they realize how stupid that sounds? Wait … Don’t answer that.

  5. Regulating vehicle noise is nothing new. The police did it to me many winters ago about 5 blocks after the muffler exploded on my 47 “chebby”.

  6. Great point about wind-turbine noise. “Persistent exposure to high levels of [government noise] may exhaust physical reserves, disrupt proper functioning of organs and lead to development of cardiovascular and other diseases.” They may also have to outlaw rock and roll, Wagner’s Ring, movies with sound effects and headphones. Again – there is no such thing as zealotry in regulation.

  7. The EU will regulate to the current noise level as generated by electric milk floats (without the bottles).

  8. Damn right. Those noisy old motors used to give me a headache. Loved them in auto rallies though – the real ones – when you knew which car was which.

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