2 thoughts on “Encana calls on EPA to abandon Pavillion test wells”

  1. ” whether oil and gas development surrounding several rural homes east of Pavillion was the cause of contamination…”

    From the article it sounds like the German witch hunts in the 1600’s. The EPA does not monitor the wells or the feeds to these wells. Instead they spread out over areas not directly involved and even get the subterranian water flow direction backwards in their reports. Why am I not surprised.

    I am not a conspiracy type but I am just as sure as day follows night that Obysmal has ordered the EPA to shut down fracking by any means so that traditional energy feeds skyrocket in price making windmills competitive.

  2. Did this say that they are looking for problems in a drinking water aquifer by not drilling into that aquifer? Seems to work only if you have demonstrated connectivity between the levels.

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