5 thoughts on “Asbestos flub costs Co-op City tenants $20M”

  1. This city re-elects their mayor beyond the legal 2-term limit then wonders why there is tomfoolery and corruption.

  2. Folks should read the chapter on asbestos in the book “Scared to Death” by Booker & North. Illuminating.

  3. Regulators are true believers in the religion of regulation–the two words they hate the most, and do everything to avoid or obfuscate, are cost/benefit. It may, however, be too late to challenge this order. Generally, one is required to challenge an order at the time it is issued. Unfortunately, the cards are stacked against anyone who challenges a regulatory order because the regulated party incurs significant fines assessed on a per day basis that make losing extremely costly.

  4. Sounds like somebody’s brother in law runs an abatement company or perhaps there’s a “finders fee” involved…?? Just sayin’ …

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