Cato Institute: Downsizing the Interior Department

The Cato Institute has published a new section on its Downsizing Government website that examines the Department of the Interior. Interior owns 500 million acres of land, subsidizes irrigation water, and controls the lives of American Indians on reservations. Continue reading Cato Institute: Downsizing the Interior Department

Global Warming Denier Makes Yearly Statement

“Today, a world-famous Amerikkkan animal once again denied the undeniable truth of global warning – a truth declared by every real scientist – and claimed that we are in for six more weeks of winter.” Continue reading Global Warming Denier Makes Yearly Statement

NY Post: EPA is hurting jobless youth

“Instead of more drilling, which brings more job opportunities for locals — like the nearly 20 percent of unemployed youth — you get delays and more delays which means that economic activity and opportunity are lost.” Continue reading NY Post: EPA is hurting jobless youth

Hong Kong teen kills mom, sister to save planet

“Kan, described by his teachers as a good student, told police he had intended to continue killing “all bad people” but had called emergency services because he had injured his hand.” Continue reading Hong Kong teen kills mom, sister to save planet