More Than a Free Lunch: $500 Reward for Exposing Michael Mann in Los Angeles Today

Michael Mann is taking his book tour today to the UCLA School of Law. We will pay $500 for a video of someone asking Mann an alarmism-debunking question at his presentation. Continue reading More Than a Free Lunch: $500 Reward for Exposing Michael Mann in Los Angeles Today

Va. pol says ‘you’re supposed to throw away your shoes’ if a CFL light bulb breaks on them

It’s too bad the Richmond Times-Dispatch doesn’t go to this much trouble to debunk EPA claims about mercury emissions from power plants. Continue reading Va. pol says ‘you’re supposed to throw away your shoes’ if a CFL light bulb breaks on them

West Virginia Redo: Morgantown to Revote Tonight on EPA Resolution

“Morgantown City Council will convene for a special meeting Monday to reconsider a controversial resolution passed last week that supports the federal Environmental Protection Agency.” Continue reading West Virginia Redo: Morgantown to Revote Tonight on EPA Resolution

Earthfirst!: Big Greenwashing 101 (Or How Sierra Club Learned To Stop Worrying About The 99% & Love Wall Street)

“John Muir must be rolling over in his grave. The organization he founded in 1892, the Sierra Club, America’s oldest and largest environmental group, have been in cahoots with the worst of the worst corporations in recent years. They’ve been paid tens of millions of dollars by the fossil fuel industry…” Continue reading Earthfirst!: Big Greenwashing 101 (Or How Sierra Club Learned To Stop Worrying About The 99% & Love Wall Street)

Leftist German TAZ Daily Article On Vahrenholt: ‘Climate Skeptics Are Like Viruses’

“But scrutinizing science is mentally ill – the TAZ wants to tell us.” Continue reading Leftist German TAZ Daily Article On Vahrenholt: ‘Climate Skeptics Are Like Viruses’