Disgraced ‘Deniergate” fraudster Peter Gleick is a member of the prestigious National Academy of Sciences. How did that happen and will he be dis-membered? Continue reading Gleick and the NAS: How did become a member? Will he stay a member?
Month: February 2012
Greenwire: Gleick a ‘warrior’
Gleick is a legend in Greenwire’s own mind. Continue reading Greenwire: Gleick a ‘warrior’
Lawson think tank beats greens in FOI case
The skeptic think tank was ruled not “influential” enough to compel dislocsure of funders. Continue reading Lawson think tank beats greens in FOI case
Grist on Gleick: ‘Hero or Moron?’
To give you an idea of how the greens view Gleick, they slammed Andy Revkin for “judginess.” Continue reading Grist on Gleick: ‘Hero or Moron?’
Oil production in US skyrockets
“But for the near future, man’s need for energy means that oil will still be the lifeblood of civilization.” Continue reading Oil production in US skyrockets
Gleick removed from AGU Task Force on Scientific Ethics page
At least the American Geophysical Union has some standards? Continue reading Gleick removed from AGU Task Force on Scientific Ethics page
Stockholm Environmental Institute: Gleick a ‘bad scientist’
Maybe MSNBC or CNN will hire him as a science reporter. Continue reading Stockholm Environmental Institute: Gleick a ‘bad scientist’
DeSmogBlog: Gleick ‘deserves gratitude and applause’
Gleick has “courage and honor”? Continue reading DeSmogBlog: Gleick ‘deserves gratitude and applause’
Sex changes and EPA wrapped up in atrazine war
“The atrazine hysteria doesn’t pass inspection — it reeks of ambulance chasers and lawsuit shoppers.” Continue reading Sex changes and EPA wrapped up in atrazine war
Delingpole: Peter Gleick – the Johann Hari of climate ‘science’
Hari is a UK journalist who copped to plagiarism. Continue reading Delingpole: Peter Gleick – the Johann Hari of climate ‘science’
DeSmogBlog: Gleick ‘convinced’ Heartland to hand over documents
Maybe he’ll be tried for first-degree persuasion? Continue reading DeSmogBlog: Gleick ‘convinced’ Heartland to hand over documents
TPM: Santorum Takes Climate Change Denial To A Biblical Level
“Unlike the Earth, we’re intelligent, and we can actually manage things.” Continue reading TPM: Santorum Takes Climate Change Denial To A Biblical Level