Democrat Congressman Asks Heartland for ‘Deniergate’ Documents

“So that Members of Congress and the public can understand more fully the nature of The Heartland Institute’s efforts to influence public understanding of generally accepted scientific truth.” Continue reading Democrat Congressman Asks Heartland for ‘Deniergate’ Documents

Marlo Lewis: Why Doesn’t Greenpeace Demand a Congressional Probe of James Hansen’s Outside Income?

“Greenpeace and Grijalva have got the wrong target in their sites. The inquisition they propose might actually have some merit if directed at one of their heroes: Dr. James Hansen of NASA.” Continue reading Marlo Lewis: Why Doesn’t Greenpeace Demand a Congressional Probe of James Hansen’s Outside Income?

Guardian: Peter Gleick on leave from Pacific Institute over Heartland leak

“Some embraced Gleick as a democratic hero.” We shun him as an alarmist zero. Continue reading Guardian: Peter Gleick on leave from Pacific Institute over Heartland leak