Trzupek: Eco-Radical Defrauds Conservative Institute

“In the past, Heartland used to release its donor list, but stopped doing so after radical opponents used that information to try to harass funders.” Continue reading Trzupek: Eco-Radical Defrauds Conservative Institute

Discovery Institute: A Friendly Letter to the Heartland Institute and Other Advocates of Free Speech on Global Warming

“Climate skeptics and Darwin doubters now have a common opponent, and we’re going to be linked and attacked in many of the same ways. Whatever you believe about evolution or global warming, may intellectual freedom prevail.” Continue reading Discovery Institute: A Friendly Letter to the Heartland Institute and Other Advocates of Free Speech on Global Warming

IBD: Rep. Nunes Turns On California Spigot

“Is sanity finally coming to California’s Central Valley? America’s breadbasket has long been victim of capricious water cutoffs to “save” the environment. A bill in Congress puts an end to this man-made drought. It should pass.” Continue reading IBD: Rep. Nunes Turns On California Spigot