Now they tell us: EPA admits not addressing local grid reliability problems in mercury rule

“EPA did not address localized reliability challenges…” Continue reading Now they tell us: EPA admits not addressing local grid reliability problems in mercury rule

Former EPA staffer novel-izes about the ‘cruel realities of environmental racism’

Check the media release for this new novel by a former EPA staffer. Continue reading Former EPA staffer novel-izes about the ‘cruel realities of environmental racism’

Singer does Houston: ‘The people who did the IPCC reports were essentially crooks’

“Carbon dioxide is harmless. Carbon dioxide is in our lungs. It doesn’t hurt a thing. All of these efforts are counterproductive, expensive and hurt our economy and kill jobs.” Continue reading Singer does Houston: ‘The people who did the IPCC reports were essentially crooks’

CDC: Food Categories Contributing the Most to Sodium Consumption — United States, 2007–2008

The junk science-flavored anti-salt crusade continues. Continue reading CDC: Food Categories Contributing the Most to Sodium Consumption — United States, 2007–2008

Air pollution not correlated with asthma hospitalizations, reports new study

This report is an update and extension of our original October 2011 research and report about air quality and hospital admissions for asthma in Los Angeles. Our data now cover the period 2010-2011. Continue reading Air pollution not correlated with asthma hospitalizations, reports new study