Shareholders want to know. Continue reading Gore violated Apple’s ethics rules?
Month: January 2012
Report: ‘Winterless winter’ in Wash. D.C. area
“Blame for this year’s snow deficit can be assigned in layers, from the meteorological to the climatological, from the simple to the complex and on to the speculative.” Continue reading Report: ‘Winterless winter’ in Wash. D.C. area
Muddying the Marcellus Debate With Science
The debate over Marcellus shale fracking is about politics, not science. Continue reading Muddying the Marcellus Debate With Science
Santorum: ‘I didn’t sit on any couches with any former speakers of the House’
“Former”? Pelosi was the Speaker at the time. Continue reading Santorum: ‘I didn’t sit on any couches with any former speakers of the House’
Cornell research group defends gas-drilling study
They claim that shale gas has twice the carbon footprint of coal over the short-term. Continue reading Cornell research group defends gas-drilling study
NY village to consider moratorium on fracking
Fracking is falling victim to mob-ocracy. Continue reading NY village to consider moratorium on fracking
Hansen: Planet heading toward ‘ice-free state’
“We would be sending our climate back to a state we haven’t adjusted to as a species.” Continue reading Hansen: Planet heading toward ‘ice-free state’
Mann expects to be attacked ‘forever’
Michael Mann spoke at EnviroDay at the University of Virginia about — “one-sided skepticism”? Continue reading Mann expects to be attacked ‘forever’
Environmentalist Wants Eco-Gulags For Climate Change Deniers
Maybe Katharine Hayhoe could lead Eco-Gulag Bible study group. Continue reading Environmentalist Wants Eco-Gulags For Climate Change Deniers
Hayhoe: ‘Climate scientists are like Boy Scouts trying to fight the Marines’
Katharine Hayhoe continues her whine country tour; this time with the Grist writer who suggested Nuremberg-style trials for skeptics. Continue reading Hayhoe: ‘Climate scientists are like Boy Scouts trying to fight the Marines’
Politico tries spooking GOP on climate
Politico reporter Darren Samuelsohn (for the second time today) tries scaring Republicans with the green card. Continue reading Politico tries spooking GOP on climate
UN chief calls for more clean energy to reduce poverty
Earth to Ban Ki-moon. Continue reading UN chief calls for more clean energy to reduce poverty