Jackson says effort to get Michael Mann’s e-mails ‘criminal’

She may not have called Conrgessional GOP “jack-booted thugs”, but Lisa Jackson did call the America Tradition Institute’s effort to get Climategater Michael Mann’s e-mails through the Freedom of Information Act “criminal.” Continue reading Jackson says effort to get Michael Mann’s e-mails ‘criminal’

Update: Lisa Jackson and ‘jack-booted thugs’ corrected by Greenwire

Greenwire erred in reporting that Lisa Jackson described Congressional Republicans as “jack-booted thugs.” Continue reading Update: Lisa Jackson and ‘jack-booted thugs’ corrected by Greenwire

EPA chief: Congressional GOP are ‘jack-booted thugs’

Lisa Jackson takes trash-talking to a new level for a senior government official. [Note: This entry was based on an erroneous Greenwire report that has since been corrected.] Continue reading EPA chief: Congressional GOP are ‘jack-booted thugs’

Monster growth in CO2 emissions — or monster omission?

Critical information was omitted from the recent Associated Press headline about “monster” growth in global CO2 emissions in 2010 and how it was much worse than the IPCC or anyone thought. Continue reading Monster growth in CO2 emissions — or monster omission?

House Committee passes cost-benefit requirement for agency rules

The Regulatory Accountability Act requires agencies to assess the costs and benefits of regulatory alternatives and, in most cases, to adopt the least-costly alternative to achieve the regulatory objectives of Congress. Continue reading House Committee passes cost-benefit requirement for agency rules