For two new reports linking earthquakes and shale gas production, there’s more than meets the eye. Continue reading Fracking caused the Oklahoma earthquake?
Month: November 2011
Bush 41 advisers used by enviros
Boyden Gray, Robert Grady and Michael Deland — haven’t you done enough damage to America? Continue reading Bush 41 advisers used by enviros
Lamar Alexander’s Great Smoggy Mountains
Here’s Lamar Alexander’s excuse for not supporting the ongoing effort to rollback EPA’s Cross-State Air Pollution Rule. Continue reading Lamar Alexander’s Great Smoggy Mountains
WSJ: Greenpeace vs. the Tuna Sandwich
“Finding Nemo” is Greenpeace’s idea of a science documentary. Continue reading WSJ: Greenpeace vs. the Tuna Sandwich
Obama threatens to veto Cross-State air rule resolution
You should contact your Senators about the upcoming (possibly Thursday) vote on rolling back a new job-killing EPA excess. Continue reading Obama threatens to veto Cross-State air rule resolution
Smock: Is PVC good or bad?
Wrong question, dude. Continue reading Smock: Is PVC good or bad?
Rogers: Sierra Club at the Metropolitan Club
Physicist Norman Rogers joined the Sierra Club so that he could investigate and expose it. Here’s his report from an event at the tony Metropolitan Club in NYC. Continue reading Rogers: Sierra Club at the Metropolitan Club
Christie won’t defend EPA
We must applaud Governor Christie (narrowly) on this one. Continue reading Christie won’t defend EPA
Chromium-6 scare hits Oregon
Some Oregonians are apparently fretting over chromium-6 (Cr-6) in drinking water. Here’s why they (and you) shouldn’t. Continue reading Chromium-6 scare hits Oregon
NASA’s Hansen on Obama enemies list?
“We’re going to punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends,” President Obama famously told Hispanics in a Univision interview before last year’s midterm election. And as Dr. James Hansen has just learned, your status as Obama’s ‘friend’ or ‘enemy’ can flip fast”, writes Conn Carroll. Continue reading NASA’s Hansen on Obama enemies list?
Glass house of the day: Former EPA chief Reilly hits GOP on science
Former Republican EPA administrator Bill Reilly will lash out at Congressional Republicans today, saying “Science has left the building.” But he has no room to throw stones. Continue reading Glass house of the day: Former EPA chief Reilly hits GOP on science
Penn State reluctant to investigate cash cows
Making money for Penn State means never having to say you’re sorry. Continue reading Penn State reluctant to investigate cash cows