Alleged 'pro-lifers' attack GOP for EPA mercury rule

Enviros dressed by as evangelicals are running radio ads accusing prominent pro-life House Republicans of abandoning their principles in attempting to rein in the EPA on mercury. Take our poll! Continue reading Alleged 'pro-lifers' attack GOP for EPA mercury rule

Tears of a clown: Distraught EPA chief almost quit over ozone

“She was very upset,” one administration official told the New York Post of Lisa Jackson’s reaction to Obama’s backing away from EPA’s imminent tightening of the ozone standard. “She didn’t know what she was going to do.” Boo-hoo-hoo….

Enviros try pinning body counts on House GOP-ers

Is Michelle Bachmann risking the lives of 22,750 Americans and the health of 118,111 asthmatic kids in Florida in return for $131,730 in contributions from “polluters”? Continue reading Enviros try pinning body counts on House GOP-ers