Road Scare in the Dakotas?

A new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reports that 300 miles of roads as well as schoolyards, playgrounds and baseball fields in Dunn County, North Dakota have been surfaced with the asbestos-like erionite — a mineral that has been associated with malignant meosthelioma (MM) in Turkish villages. Continue reading Road Scare in the Dakotas?

Show us the bodies, EPA

By Steve Milloy
July 20, 2011, Washington Times

The House will soon vote to (slightly) rein in the Obama Environmental Protection Agency. But this much-needed baby step by Congress will only happen if Republicans have the knowledge and muster the courage to withstand a final bare-knuckles assault by EPA’s enviro allies. Continue reading Show us the bodies, EPA

A GOP-er's lame excuse for opposing the incandescent bulb ban repeal

Virginia Congressman Scott Rigell was one of 10 GOP-ers to vote against the repeal of the incandescent bulb ban last week. Here’s his excuse: Continue reading A GOP-er's lame excuse for opposing the incandescent bulb ban repeal