Earth to Harvard Med faculty: DES is not an 'endocrine disrupter'

A commentary in this week’s New England Journal of Medicine spotlights how easy it is to forget basic scientific principles even when you’re on the Harvard Medical School faculty. Continue reading Earth to Harvard Med faculty: DES is not an 'endocrine disrupter'

Does air pollution cause breast cancer?

University of Buffalo researchers claim to have linked air pollution with increased risk of breast cancer.

Though I haven’t received a copy of the study yet, I feel confident in rushing to condemn it as junk science.

As there’s no credible evidence that even heavy smoking (i.e., lots of “toxins” inhaled deeply for decades) increases breast cancer risk, why would ambient air be a risk factor?

Enviros wrong on Keystone pipeline greenhouse gas emissions

Enviro activists are apoplectic that the Obama State Department has dismissed their concerns about the Keystone (tar sands) pipeline resulting in increased greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Continue reading Enviros wrong on Keystone pipeline greenhouse gas emissions

Introducing's Global Thermometer

Everyone’s talked about it for years. Politicians and activists have tried to change the entire Western economy and social order because of it. Some have made a fortune or become famous ranting about it.

But no one has ever known what it is. Not only has the technology not existed to calculate it but, truth be told, it doesn’t even really exist in any meaningful manner in the first place! Continue reading Introducing's Global Thermometer