Organic Valley identified as secret funder of 'FrogTV' pesticide scare campaign

Is American agriculture facing yet another major attack on food safety similar to the 1989 Alar scare? Continue reading Organic Valley identified as secret funder of 'FrogTV' pesticide scare campaign

American Academy of Pediatrics prioritizes fear over facts

The American Academy of Pediatrics this week issued a ““Policy Statement — Chemical-Management Policy: Prioritizing Children’s Health.” If this is what pediatrics is becoming, maybe Christian Scientists have a point. Continue reading American Academy of Pediatrics prioritizes fear over facts

Paul Driessen on Oregon Dems’ attack on skeptic’s kids

Political Payback – Oregon Style
Paul Driessen

Confused visitors will be forgiven for thinking Oregon State University is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Congressman Pete DeFazio and the “progressive-socialist” wing of the Democratic Party. Or for likening what’s going on there to political retribution as practiced in Third World thugocracies. (Townhall)

Sad but true: JunkScience predicts Shell drilling permit fiasco

As predicted in print by Steve Milloy more than a year ago, Shell Oil’s Arctic Ocean drilling permits have been blocked by the EPA. Continue reading Sad but true: JunkScience predicts Shell drilling permit fiasco

Obama postures about $4-gallon gas at a $35,800 per plate fundraiser

At a $35,800-per-plate Democratic fundraiser last night in California, President Obama slammed “climate change deniers” and postured about the high price of gas:

“Right now we’ve got $4-a-gallon gas, and most of the people under this tent don’t have to worry about that. But for the average person who has to drive 50 miles to work and can’t afford to buy the [$100,000] Tesla, it’s hammering them. It’s hurting them,” Obama said, according to a White House transcript that notes the Tesla comment drew laughter.

Obama also said,

“But I don’t think there’s any doubt that unless we are able to move forward in a serious way on clean energy that we’re putting our children and our grandchildren at risk.”

If he was really worried about “children and grandchildren,” then he be more concerned about the “average people” who are raising those kids.