Ozone ‘hole’, ‘depletion’ hysteria debunked anew; Kigali Amendment ratification should be halted pending review

A new study reports the existence since the 1980s of an ozone ‘hole’ over the tropics much larger than the alleged Antarctic one that caused the Montreal Protocol. No harm has been reported related to the “hole” (really just a thinning of the ozone layer) despite being over the tropics (vs. Antarctic wasteland). We have always thought ozone hysteria to be junk science-fueled and this is more evidence of that. This new hole clearly debunks the rationale for the 1986 Montreal Protocol and ensuing hysteria over the refrigerants CFCs, HCFCs and now HFCs. The problem with ozone hole hysteria is that while the chemistry is true in a laboratory setting (chlorine molecules + UV radiation destroys ozone molecules) the actual atmosphere is more complex and ozone reforms. Variations in the ozone layer are not really understood. So the Montreal protocol was a fraud and consumers have been ripped off by refrigerant manufacturers for decades. But it’s not too late to stop the fraud. The Senate is now considering the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol to ban HFCs, which will lead to even more expensive refrigerants. Although Kigali technically addresses HFCs for their alleged climatic effects, the entire process is flawed. The Kigali Amendment must not be ratified until a through new scientific review is undertaken. More on this later. Here is the study’s media release. Here is the study.

There never was a “hole in the ozone”: That was “a practice run for global warming”

I heard Al Gore say in January 2006 that the point of the Montreal Protocol was NOT to save the ozone layer but to show that a global environmental treaty was possible. Continue reading There never was a “hole in the ozone”: That was “a practice run for global warming”

Angola warming blamed on ozone ‘hole’ (i.e., use of air conditioning, refrigeration) — no science, just proximity/politics

UPI reports: Continue reading Angola warming blamed on ozone ‘hole’ (i.e., use of air conditioning, refrigeration) — no science, just proximity/politics

If Global Warming Promoters are Proud of all their ██████ ████████ Work, then Why do They Hide Parts of It?

We can apparently add one more situation to the growing pile of instances where folks pushing the idea of man-caused global warming are caught trying to hide inconvenient details. Continue reading If Global Warming Promoters are Proud of all their ██████ ████████ Work, then Why do They Hide Parts of It?

Just makin’ it up: Study says ozone-protection treaty had climate benefits also

Not quite sure where they get the “also” part — i.e., ozone benefits in doubt. Climate claims a closer to speculation-cum-propaganda than science. Continue reading Just makin’ it up: Study says ozone-protection treaty had climate benefits also

Warmists cheer misuse of Montreal Protocol

HFCs don’t thin the ozone layer, but they are greenhouse gases. The Montreal protocol is about ozone depletion — can it really be used for global warming as well? Like EPA’s abuse of the Clean Air Act for greenhouse gases, the Montreal Protocol is being similarly expanded. Continue reading Warmists cheer misuse of Montreal Protocol

Claim: Upper atmosphere winds changing — global warming to blame

The study authors claim that the alleged phenomenon could slow recovery from the non-crisis of ozone depletion. Continue reading Claim: Upper atmosphere winds changing — global warming to blame