New Book Exposes How EPA Distorts Science To Fit Its Political Goals

From the Daily Caller about Steve Milloy’s new book: Scare Pollution: Why and How to Fix the EPA — which is the #1 book in’s Public Affairs & Administration category.

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Court dismisses Michael Mann defamation lawsuit against National Review

The DC Court of Appeals rules that NRO did not hurt Michael Mann-child’s feelings all that much.
But Michael Mann v. Free Speech remains alive against Mark Steyn and CEI/Rand Simberg.

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New Book by Steve Milloy: ‘Scare Pollution: Why and How to Fix the EPA’

Available on Kindle NOW… print edition coming! The full story of the scientific fraud underlying EPA’s war on coal and climate rules. My proof that particulate matter kills no one. Endorsed by Sen. Jim Inhofe and the former chairman of EPA’s own Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee, George Wolff.

Continue reading New Book by Steve Milloy: ‘Scare Pollution: Why and How to Fix the EPA’

Study: Daily sugar intake guidelines are based on low quality evidence

Odd… an accompanying editorial criticizes not the study’s science… but the funding of the study.

Continue reading Study: Daily sugar intake guidelines are based on low quality evidence

Experimental Claim: Treeline may not shift upward in elevation with warming

What the experiment really shows is that warming seedlings with infrared heaters was a fail. Continue reading Experimental Claim: Treeline may not shift upward in elevation with warming

Oops… warming global temperatures may not affect carbon stored deep in northern peatlands

“We do see some breakdown of peat on the surface, but not below 2 feet deep, where the bulk of the carbon is stored.”

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Oops… Mother Nature did it again; Antarctic sea expansion has natural explanation

“The integration of data and models provides further evidence that the Antarctic Ice Sheet has experienced much greater natural variability in the past than previously anticipated.”


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No, burning less coal isn’t making tuna ‘safer’

The Washington Post reports today:


The problem, however, is that the decline in mercury level in tuna (if true, in the first place) is not due to reductions in coal burning. Continue reading No, burning less coal isn’t making tuna ‘safer’