Chemical industry sues EPA and National Academy of Sciences over rigged formaldehyde review

EPA conspired with the National Academy of Sciences to rig the NAS review of EPA’s toxicological assessment of formaldehyde, alleges the American Chemistry Council. The allegation is undoubtedly true. Here is the complaint and here is Fox News coverage.

New Greenland ice sheet study shows why it’s called “climate idiocy”

A new study reports that Northwest Greenland was ice free 400,000 years ago when the atmospheric CO2 level was an estimated 286 ppm. But the study authors don’t look at that finding the same way you probably do.

Continue reading New Greenland ice sheet study shows why it’s called “climate idiocy”

Let’s debate global warming, Bjorn

This morning, Dana Perino featured my recent Wall Street Journal op-ed on the hottest days hoax as the lead-in to an interview with Bjorn Lomborg, who did his usual climate two-step — global warming is real and a problem, but there are better ways to spend money. Such nonsense. Let’s debate global warming, Bjorn.

‘Hottest days’ manipulation?

The claim that July 3-4, 2023 were the hottest days in the past 125,000 years is based on satellite data and computer modeling by the University of Maine’s Climate Reanalyzer. But there seems to be a problem with the Climate Reanalyzer.

Continue reading ‘Hottest days’ manipulation?

John Kerry devastated at House hearing on climate by Scott Perry

Rep. Scott Perry (R-Penn.) flattens Biden climate envoy John Kerry at today’s House Foreign Affairs’ Subcommittee on Oversight and Accountability hearing. You haven’t heard anyone confront Kerry or any other climate clown like Perry does, calling him a “grifter” and asking why he wants to spend $1.6 quadrillion on something that is not a problem.

EPA retreats from ‘Cancer Alley’ environmental justice hoax

“The Biden administration has dropped an investigation into whether Louisiana officials put Black residents living in an industrial stretch of the state at increased cancer risk, despite finding initial evidence of racial discrimination, according to a federal court filing Tuesday.” EPA accused Louisiana of environmental racism nonsense last October. But it was all BS (Web | PDF).

Wrong Again: James Hansen 1988 Senate Testimony Edition

NASA scientist James Hansen launched climate idiocy on June 23, 1988 with his famous Senate testimony. This review of it 35 years later indicates that Hansen’s testimony was largely just hot air, which no doubt contributed to the legendary stuffiness of the Senate hearing room that day.

Continue reading Wrong Again: James Hansen 1988 Senate Testimony Edition