Historical Context: Government Inhumanity to EPA Regulation

Despite Doctors’ trial and the resultant Nuremberg Code, not all researchers got the message about conducting proper scientific experiments with humans — notably, the U.S. Public Health Service. Beginning in 1932, the U.S. Public Health Service and the Tuskegee Institute recruited about 600 poor, African-American farmers for the purpose of studying the natural progression of … Continue reading Historical Context: Government Inhumanity to EPA Regulation

Did Obama’s EPA relaunch Tuskegee experiments?

By Steve Milloy April 24, 2012, The Washington Times Which do you find more shocking: that the Environmental Protection Agency conducts experiments on humans that its own risk assessments would deem potentially lethal, or that it hides the results of those experiments from Congress and the public because they debunk those very same risk assessments?

Milloy sets off greens; Responds to PolitiFact inquiry on wildfire smoke

My appearance on Laura Ingraham’s show Wednesday amid the apocalyptic air in New York City has set of the greens, including: Salon, The Independent (UK), Newsweek, The Telegraph (UK), Rolling Stone, The New Republic, MSNBC, USA Today, Mediaite, Media Matters, the Washington Post and more. Only PolitiFact had the decency to ask me questions me. … Continue reading Milloy sets off greens; Responds to PolitiFact inquiry on wildfire smoke

Enstrom calls on NAS to drop junk scientist Dominici from air quality committee

The National Academy of Sciences has convened (for money) at EPA’s “request” a committee of ‘researchers’ in a panel called, “Assessing Causality from a Multidisciplinary Evidence Base for National Ambient Air Quality Standards.” Despite what the NAS says, the purpose of this committee is to help the Biden EPA resurrect the PM2.5 junk science that … Continue reading Enstrom calls on NAS to drop junk scientist Dominici from air quality committee

Milloy testifies at EPA hearing on Biden rollback of Trump benefit-cost rules

The Biden EPA plans to return to the good old pre-Trump days of regulating based on fake benefit-cost analysis. You can file your written comments with EPA here. The deadline is June 14,2021. The Federal Register announcement is here. Please support JunkScience.com in our fight against the bad guys! Please support JunkScience.com in our fight … Continue reading Milloy testifies at EPA hearing on Biden rollback of Trump benefit-cost rules

Milloy comments to EPA on selection of air quality science advisory board members

Below is my public comment to EPA regarding its selection of members for the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC).The deadline for filing comments is June 1. So it’s not too late for you to participate. Instructions are here.

Milloy presentation to EPA CASAC re claim that PM kills

The (resistance) EPA staff continues to insist that particulate matter in outdoor air kills people. Today the EPA’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) took public comment on EPA’ most recent scientific assessment. Below are my (killer) oral comments that explain the entire PM fraud in five minutes.