Harvard’s perpetual PM2.5 junk science machine strikes again

The same crew that published the scientific misconduct-fueled PM2.5 study in the New England Journal of Medicine last summer has now published a new scientific misconduct-fueled study based on the same Medicare data in the Journal of the American Medical Association. You can tell that JunkScience.com forced the authors to be somewhat more candid in this study than the one in the NEJM, but they can’t seem to shake their basic dishonesty.

Harvard TC Chan School of Public Health air quality scamster Joel D. Schwartz. The walls are closing in, buddy.

Continue reading Harvard’s perpetual PM2.5 junk science machine strikes again

EPA grant-grubber, activist groups sue EPA for barring agency grantees from science boards

Greens sue EPA to overturn the JunkScience.com initiative that ended their EPA advisory board scam.

USC prof and EPA grantee Ed Avol is suing EPA to reinstate the Trump admin-banned practice of EPA grantees serving on science advisory boards so they can rubberstamp EPA junk science.

Continue reading EPA grant-grubber, activist groups sue EPA for barring agency grantees from science boards

EPA seeks comment on replacement of Obama Clean Power Plan

Here’s our recommendation — NOTHING. Also note that the EPA is (unfortunately) NOT seeking comment on whether the endangerment finding should be reconsidered. Here’s another recommendation — TELL EPA TO START THE PROCESS FOR RECONSIDERING THE ENDANGERMENT FINDING, ANYWAY. Click for the document.

‘With no proven environmental benefit whatsoever…’

What Murray Energy CEO Robert Murray had to say with respect to Obama’s war-on-coal in comments on the Trump EPA’s proposed repeal of the Obama’s EPA’s Clean Power Plan. Below is how Murray summarized the cost to industry. It does not begin to reckon the cost of lost jobs to miners, their families and communities.

Read Murray’s full comment here.

File your comments on the proposed repeal of the CPP here. Deadline is January 16, 2018.

Milloy files ‘greenwashing’ shareholder proposal with ExxonMobil as oil giant’s bid to appease climate activists flounders

ExxonMobil management is destroying a great company and helping greens to destroy America. To borrow from William F. Buckley, Jr., JunkScience.com is “standing athwart history, yelling ‘STOP,’ at a time when no one is inclined to do so, or to have much patience with those who so urge it.” Here is my shareholder proposal for ExxonMobil’s 2018 annual meeting.

Continue reading Milloy files ‘greenwashing’ shareholder proposal with ExxonMobil as oil giant’s bid to appease climate activists flounders