Trump Fuel Economy Proposal Puts Brakes on Obama’s All-Pain-No-Gain Global Warming Crusade

My column posted at

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EPA staffer behind rigged glider truck testing, now trying to sabotage Trump rollback of Obama fuel economy standards

Senior EPA bureaucrat Bill Charmley is personally try to wreck to the Trump deregulatory agenda.

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Calabrese: Moving Away from the Linear Nonthreshold (LNT) Model of Carcinogenesis

The great Ed Calabrese reviews the Trump EPA’s proposal to do away with the linear nonthreshold model of junk science.

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Line-by-line: California’s lies about the Trump rollback of the Obama fuel economy standards

No, California will not be destroyed without the Obama fuel economy standards. In fact, it will improve.

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Line by Line: Activists lie in the NYTimes about the Trump rollback of the Obama fuel economy standards

This NYTimes op-ed from the self-proclaimed Safe Climate Campaign and Center for Auto Safety is debunked, line-by-line.

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NYTimes gets it way wrong on Trump rollback of Obama fuel economy standards

The New York Times comes out with ignorant, knee-jerk opposition to the proposed rollback of Obama fuel economy overregulation. Here is my line-by-line takedown.

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New-Truck Emissions Scandal: Cummins recalls 500,000 trucks for faulty NOx emissions control

So now we know why Cummins-engine-using Volvo Trucks and the EPA Deep Staters (DEEPA?) in its Michigan emissions lab didn’t want to test Cummins engines against glider engines.

Continue reading New-Truck Emissions Scandal: Cummins recalls 500,000 trucks for faulty NOx emissions control

California air regulators (CARB) caught lying about diesel particulate filters (DPFs)

Deep State air regulators and the rentseeking emissions control industry that depends on the Deep State don’t want you to watch this video or read this report.

CARB’s own study shows that DPF filters do remove particulate matter but instead actually emit them. This study shows that the particles emitted are even finer and is even more capable of being absorbed into your circulatory system and can even be absorbed through the skin. If you fret exposure to diesel particulate, CARBS’s Truck and Bus Regulation is creating even worse pollution than it is reducing.