Milloy talks ecocide and Taylor Swift’s carbon footprint on FOX Business

From the January 18, 2024 episode of The Bottom Line with hosts Dagen McDowell and Sean Duffy.

Government ‘science’: Smoking marijuana is okay, just don’t breathe the outdoor air

The New York Times reports that the government quietly concluded last August that smoking marijuana is not so bad after all.

Here is the 250-page government review of the science.

Keeping in mind that (1) EPA has concluded that no level of particulate matter (PM) in outdoor air (hardly any PM) is safe to breathe and that (2) Obama’s Surgeon General said that a single puff on a cigarette (massive amount of of PM) could be deadly, the government review of marijuana safety (4x as much PM as a cigarette) does not even contain the word “particulate.”

NOAA’s global temperature graphs are meaningless

See the NOAA graph. Keeping in mind that nothing on the NOAA graph is even a “measurement,” watch the video clip of what legendary and former MIT physics professor Walter Lewin might say about it. [Source]

Why won’t federal judges review regulatory agency science claims?

I asked former Trump Department of Justice assistant attorney general Jeff Clark that question at the Heartland Institute climate conference earlier this year.

Washington Post Tree-Ring Circus

The Washington Post recently claimed that the 2023 tree ring in a 200-year old pine (called Bigelow 224) on Mount Bigelow in the Sonoran Desert is a climate warning of some sort. Here I demonstrate their fraudulent reporting.

Continue reading Washington Post Tree-Ring Circus