Human exposed to carcinogen

The recent release of a study from Harvard that claims small particles as a major cause of lung cancer causes us to revisit the question of human exposure experiments. The Harvard researchers assert they found lung cancer in non smokers and it must be air pollution. They cannot, of course, eliminate papilloma virus or other … Continue reading Human exposed to carcinogen

Defense: UMichigan doc innocent of illegal human testing because Steve Milloy a bad guy for defending business

A University of Michigan researcher defends colleague Robert Brook against allegations of illegal human testing by attacking Steve Milloy.

CFACT files complaint against University of Michigan physician alleging illegal human testing

CFACT has filed a complaint with the state of Michigan’s Health Professions Division alleging that the University of Michigan’s Dr. Robert D. Brook has conducted illegal human experiments on behalf of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Dachau Redux: German researchers violate Nuremberg Code in new high altitude human experiment

You would think that 70 years after the high altitude experiments at Dachau, that researchers (especially German ones) would be more aware of the ethics of human research. And what about the Journal of American Medical Association publishing this ethical abomination?

NYU prof says cancer risk from soot begins at 8 micrograms/cubic meter — But EPA human tests go as high as 750

From the ongoing Energy and Power Subcommittee hearing. The more dangerous EPA says PM2.5 is, the bigger the hole it digs for itself.

Potential bad news for EPA human researchers: Plenty of prison beds projected in North Carolina for next 5 years

The North Carolina Senate has completed the fiscal impacts analysis of Senate Bill 187, the bill to make EPA’s PM2.5 air pollution experiments on humans a felony (on par with assassinating the Governor).

EPA to human guinea pig in air pollution experiment: ‘There is a possibility you may die from this’

Does EPA really expect people to risk their lives for $12/hour in non-therapeutic experiments? Will Gina McCarthy be asked about this at her confirmation hearing?

Chlorine gas possibly used in Syria — but definitely used on people by the EPA: Another shocking human experiment

While chlorine gas may have been used as a weapon by one side or the other in Syria, it was definitely used on people by the EPA.

EPA human testing scandal extends to University of Washington; Study subjects not told diesel exhaust can kill

University of Washington researchers have violated the Nuremberg Code and the federal regulations governing the conduct of human experiments, according to new documents obtained by through the Freedom of Information Act. The air pollution research in question was funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.