Anti-pesticide cranks responsible for elevated childhood asthma?

Crawling culprit seen in urban kids’ asthma Researchers have identified cockroaches as a potential explanation for dramatic variations between neighborhoods in asthma rates among New York City children.

Can Congressional Republicans be trained? releases childhood asthma-air pollution fact sheet ahead of Senate hearing

Senate Democrats will hold a show trial of sorts tomorrow about air quality and asthma in children. Because Congressional Republicans generally stink at such hearings, JunkScience is releasing this fact sheet to help them out.

CDC in a quandry: Asthma up, but air pollution, smoking down

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported today that the prevalence and number of persons with asthma have increased since 2001 despite improvements in outdoor air quality, and decreases in cigarette smoking and secondhand smoke exposure. It is of course entirely possible, if not likely, that asthma is not really up so much as … Continue reading CDC in a quandry: Asthma up, but air pollution, smoking down

FDA May Make Breathing Difficult for Asthmatics

By Steven Milloy January 26, 2006, The government may tell asthmatics to “take a hit” for the environment. But that “hit” won’t be from their inhalers, which might be taken away. A Food and Drug Administration advisory panel voted this week to recommend removing the “essential use” status that permits inexpensive, nonprescription asthma inhalers, … Continue reading FDA May Make Breathing Difficult for Asthmatics