Claim: Increased CO2 in the atmosphere has altered photosynthesis of plants over the 20th century

“This shift has so far contributed to the global vegetation’s ability to dampen climate change by absorbing a third of human-caused CO2 emissions. “

Physician condemns EPA Cargo Cult Science–Guess who?

The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons Journal announces publication of an article condemning the EPA junk science on air pollution, imagine that.

Charlatans Rule at the EPA

Francesca Grifo PhD, doyen of scientific integrity at the Union of Concerned Scientists, has been appointed in charge of scientific integrity at EPA, a lateral move, junk science in the private enviro sector to the same role in government. With this appointment the EPA accomplishes two things, cover for continued junk science and a thumb … Continue reading Charlatans Rule at the EPA

New documents show EPA lying to public about air pollution dangers recently obtained through the Freedom of Information Act documents describing human clinical experiments involving high exposures to particulate matter conducted by the University of Rochester with EPA funding.