FACT SHEET: EPA’s Claim That Its Coal Plant CO2 Rules Will Save Lives By Reducing Particulate Matter Emissions Is False

You may submit this information to EPA by December 1, 2014 as a public comment. A PDF of this fact sheet is here.

World Health Organization lays an egg

Look at this lovely lie–the WHO claims 7 million deaths in 2012 due to air pollution. No such thing. They base their claims on research that is so bad that the US EPA has authorized unethical human experiments to try to salvage the nonsense of their death claims. The US EPA death claims are the … Continue reading World Health Organization lays an egg

Physician condemns EPA Cargo Cult Science–Guess who?

The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons Journal announces publication of an article condemning the EPA junk science on air pollution, imagine that.

Study: ‘No Statistical Correlation’ Between Fine Airborne Particles, Premature Death

There’s no evidence to support the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) longstanding claim that fine airborne particulate matter measuring 2.5 micrograms or less (PM2.5) is killing thousands of Americans every year, according to the first comprehensive study of its kind.