EPA air pollution scare debunked by best data set ever assembled on particulate matter and deaths
Airborne Fine Particulate Matter and Short-Term Mortality: Exploring the California Experience,2007-2010.
Airborne Fine Particulate Matter and Short-Term Mortality: Exploring the California Experience,2007-2010.
Here is a silly NYTimes reporter’s analysis of the risk of breathing small particle-tainted air. As Milloy always says–show us the bodies. No fair just counting deaths, got to do a medical investigation.
There is no substitute for preparation for a Congressional Hearing, just like for a debate, a deposition or a trial. Just like preparing for a test. Must know the material and plan the strategy to accomplish the goal.
No association between air quality (PM2.5, ozone) and hospital admissions for asthma in University of California-Davis Health System during 2010-2012 (19,000+ cases).
But traffic fatalities are real whereas pollution fatalities are entirely imaginary. Show us a body!
No reporter seems to want to ask where the bodies are.
From Detroit News’ Henry Payne:
Surely someone should be able to show us a body.
This is junk science because…
About the ongoing air pollution phenomenon in Singapore, the Straits Times reports:
This is junk science because…
We report. You decide.