EPA Fines School Bus Co. For Diesel Idling; Who will fine EPA for diesel idling?

So it’s not okay for school buses to idle, but EPA can idle a truck and pump its diesel exhaust into the lungs of elderly people? From the Danbury Daily Voice: Idling diesel engines emit pollutants, which can cause or aggravate a variety of health problems, including asthma and other respiratory diseases, and the fine … Continue reading EPA Fines School Bus Co. For Diesel Idling; Who will fine EPA for diesel idling?

EPA's Dirty, Dark Secret

By STEVE MILLOY October 23, 2012, Investor’s Business Daily | Print Version The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has been sued in federal court for conducting illegal experiments on human beings. A federal judge will now determine whether the EPA has violated federal law and the most sacrosanct moral standards of scientific research or whether the … Continue reading EPA's Dirty, Dark Secret

EPA’s illegal human experiments: Agency failed to warn tests potentially lethal

By Steve Milloy October 18, 2012, Washington Times The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been sued in federal court for allegedly conducting illegal experiments on human beings. The case tests whether a government agency can violate the law and the most sacrosanct ethics of scientific research — and get away scot-free.

Is Duke's Green Dean Okay with Duke Prof's Involvement in Illegal EPA Human Testing?

Duke University’s dean of green says particulate matter kills — so why does he give a pass to a Duke physician exposing elderly asthmatics to high concentrations of such pollutants?

FOXNews: Lawmaker wants probe of EPA experiments on humans

“A powerful lawmaker is calling for Senate hearings following a lawsuit charging the Environmental Protection Agency conducted illegal human experiments, including some that exposed asthmatic patients to known carcinogens.” [FOXNews.com]

Inhofe Asks for Hearing on EPA's Alleged Conducting of Illegal Human Experiments

MEDIA RELEASE October 1, 2012 Contact: Matt Dempsey Matt_Dempsey@epw.senate.gov (202) 224-9797 Katie Brown Katie_Brown@epw.senate.gov (202) 224-2160 Inhofe Asks for Hearing on EPA’s Alleged Conducting of Illegal Human Experiments Link to Letter Washington, D.C. – In the wake of the Obama – Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) being sued in federal court for allegedly conducting illegal human … Continue reading Inhofe Asks for Hearing on EPA's Alleged Conducting of Illegal Human Experiments


The EPA Human Experiments: Agency Scientists Ignore Rules for the Protection of Human Subjects Established After World War II and Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments Overview Since at least 2004 and up through the Obama administration, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been secretly testing highly toxic/lethal air pollutants on unhealthy human study subjects for the … Continue reading Summary

EPA vs. The Rules for Protection Human Study Subjects

So let’s compare conduct of EPA and the University of North Carolina with the rules for protecting human subjects that have been set since World War II. EPA/UNC vs. the Nuremberg Code Voluntary and Informed Consent. At no time did EPA inform any study subject about how toxic (i.e., death within hours after any exposure, … Continue reading EPA vs. The Rules for Protection Human Study Subjects