Inhofe Calls for Transparency and Public Input on EPA Advisory Panels

“Circumstances surrounding the recent nomination request and correspondence between EPA and the Senate EPW Committee raise new concerns the agency is not committed to a transparent or meaningful public input process for selecting CASAC and SAB members.” Continue reading Inhofe Calls for Transparency and Public Input on EPA Advisory Panels

LNTgate: How scientific misconduct by the U.S. national Academy of Sciences led to governments adopting the LNT for cancer risk assessment

From the great Ed Calabrese. Continue reading LNTgate: How scientific misconduct by the U.S. national Academy of Sciences led to governments adopting the LNT for cancer risk assessment

Claim: Workers face ‘epidemic of heat-related injuries’ due to climate change

Warmists predict: “Around 2% of daylight hours are predicted to be shaved off the working day in west Africa, south Asia, and 10 regions in Asia, Africa and Latin America by 2030, potentially creating an epidemic of heat-related injuries.” Continue reading Claim: Workers face ‘epidemic of heat-related injuries’ due to climate change

Claim: Half Australia’s Great Barrier Reef Northern Coral ‘Dead or Dying’-Scientists

“We’ve never seen anything like this scale of bleaching before.” Well, it is the strongest El Nino on record. Continue reading Claim: Half Australia’s Great Barrier Reef Northern Coral ‘Dead or Dying’-Scientists