GE ‘stimulated’ by $300 million water heater rebate

Everyday seems to bring new revelations about federal stimulus money earmarked for the Obama-blessed General Electric. Yesterday it was smart meters, today’s scheme involves water heaters.

GE will be selling water heaters that, as described by SmartGridToday,

…lets utilities regulate the use by sending signals wirelessly to them from smart meters.

According to the GE press release,

Additionally, the smart appliance qualifies for Energy Star rebate programs… In July, the U.S. Department of Energy announced the availability of nearly $300 million in funding for state-run Energy Star rebate programs as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act stimulus plan.

The Obama-Immelt Pact (rentseeking-for-lobbying) is corrupt enough but it’s made positively execrable by its ends — allowing the government (through regulated utilities) to control our water heaters.

Wanted Poster GE Sketch Final

GE ‘stimulated’ by $300 million water heater rebate

Everyday seems to bring new revelations about federal stimulus money earmarked for the Obama-blessed General Electric. Yesterday it was smart meters, today’s scheme involves water heaters.

GE will be selling water heaters that, as described by SmartGridToday,

…lets utilities regulate the use by sending signals wirelessly to them from smart meters.

According to the GE press release,

Additionally, the smart appliance qualifies for Energy Star rebate programs… In July, the U.S. Department of Energy announced the availability of nearly $300 million in funding for state-run Energy Star rebate programs as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act stimulus plan.

The Obama-Immelt Pact (rentseeking-for-lobbying) is corrupt enough but it’s made positively execrable by its ends — allowing the government (through regulated utilities) to control our water heaters.

Wanted Poster GE Sketch Final

GE’s smart-meter profiteering

General Electric CEO Jeff Immelt must be channeling SNL’s Chico Escuela these days as:

Obama stimulus been berry, berry good to GE.

GE announced today that utility giant American Electric Power (AEP) will purchase 110,000 smart meters from GE. And just how is AEP managing to buy all these smart meters? President Obama and Congress are making us pay for them.

On Sep. 1, AEP applied to the Department of Energy for $75 million in federal stimulus money for the smart meter purchase.

It’s a good thing that GE’s Immelt sits on Barack Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board — how else would the Department of Energy know to direct smart meter purchases to GE?

Of course, AEP isn’t the only conduit for sending federal stimulus money to GE. So far about 50 utilities have applied to DOE for a piece of the almost $4 billion in stimulus money earmarked for smart meter projects. Did we mention:

Obama stimulus been berry, berry good to GE.

BTW, the $75 million will create about 500 jobs over a three year period, says AEP — why that’s only $150,000 per job in Ohio where the average income is slightly less than $48,000.

Obama stimulus been berry, berry good to GE.
Obama stimulus been berry, berry good to GE.

Wanted Poster GE Sketch Final

GE’s smart-meter profiteering

General Electric CEO Jeff Immelt must be channeling SNL’s Chico Escuela these days as:

Obama stimulus been berry, berry good to GE.

GE announced today that utility giant American Electric Power (AEP) will purchase 110,000 smart meters from GE. And just how is AEP managing to buy all these smart meters? President Obama and Congress are making us pay for them.

On Sep. 1, AEP applied to the Department of Energy for $75 million in federal stimulus money for the smart meter purchase.

It’s a good thing that GE’s Immelt sits on Barack Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board — how else would the Department of Energy know to direct smart meter purchases to GE?

Of course, AEP isn’t the only conduit for sending federal stimulus money to GE. So far about 50 utilities have applied to DOE for a piece of the almost $4 billion in stimulus money earmarked for smart meter projects. Did we mention:

Obama stimulus been berry, berry good to GE.

BTW, the $75 million will create about 500 jobs over a three year period, says AEP — why that’s only $150,000 per job in Ohio where the average income is slightly less than $48,000.

Obama stimulus been berry, berry good to GE.
Obama stimulus been berry, berry good to GE.

Wanted Poster GE Sketch Final

Boycott Nike

Nike has quit the U.S. Chamber of Commerce because the Chamber opposes Waxman-Markey.

I don’t know about you, but I won’t be purchasing any Nike products for a while. If you oppose the socialist-takeover-of-America-via-global warming, you won’t either.

Goodbye Nike — and don’t let cap-and-trade hit you in the sweatshops.


Copy this logo and put it on your web site.

Boxer pays off GE in climate bill

Sen. Barbara Boxer’s climate bill set to be released today contains a provision that will compensate General Electric quite nicely for its lobbying and media efforts promoting climate legislation.

Section 821(c) requires that, by December 12, 2012, the EPA set standards for greenhouse gas emissions from “new aircraft and new engines used in new aircraft.”

General Electric is the world’s largest manufacturer of commercial and military jet engines, a business worth about $12 billion in annual revenues.

So the Boxer bill would compel airlines and the military, when purchasing new aircraft and new aircraft engines, to purchase more expensive “green” engines made by GE, according to standards set by the current and GE-lobbied Obama administration.

Keep in mind that GE CEO Jeff Immelt is member of President Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Council.

More evidence that GE’s political action committee (GEPAC) meant what it said in its August 19, 2009 e-mail to employees:

The intersection between GE’s interests and government action is clearer than ever.

Other payoffs to GE will likely be unconvered as Boxer’s bill virtually requires the purchase of other GE products including wind turbines, solar panels and water products.

Wanted Poster GE Sketch Final

Calif. and Mass. out to screw America?

The House passed Waxman-Markey climate bill was co-authored by California’s Rep. Henry Waxman and Massachusetts’ Rep. Ed Markey.

The just-introduced Kerry Boxer climate bill was co-authored by California’s Sen. Barbara Boxer and Massachusetts’ Sen. John Kerry.

What do California and Massachusetts have against the rest of America?

Exelon joins U.S. Chamber of Rentseeking has obtained what purports to be a media release announcing Exelon Corp.’s founding of a new industry trade association, the U.S. Chamber of Rentseeking. The announcement follows in the wake of Exelon’s Sep. 28 resignation from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce because of the Chamber’s opposition to carbon dioxide emissions caps.

Chicago, IL, Sep. 28, Un-American Newswire ─ Exelon Corp., the operator of the largest fleet of nuclear power plans in the U.S., announced that it was cancelling its membership in the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to start a new group called the U.S. Chamber of Rentseeking.

“We’ve had enough of free enterprise, free markets, risk, and competition,” said Exelon CEO John Rowe. “The future, as we see it, is rentseeking ─ that is, big business getting in bed with big government in order to guarantee big profits, he added.”

Exelon quit the U.S. Chamber of Commerce because of the Chamber’s opposition to global warming regulation, including its call for a 21st century “Scopes monkey trail” over whether carbon dioxide (CO2) is a pollutant.

“We prefer the view of, say, Stanford University professor Stephen Schneider who recently told the media that there is no safe level of CO2 in the atmosphere,” Rowe noted. “Junk science is good for cap-and-trade and cap-and-trade is good for Exelon ─ we’ll make billions of dollars for doing absolutely nothing,” he added.

Under the Waxman-Markey bill that was passed by the House of Representatives in June, Rowe told Wall Street analysts that Exelon would make up to $750 million annually for every $10-per-ton increase in the price of CO2 allowances that Exelon would get for free under the legislation.

“All we need do is to sell the allowances as soon as we get our hot little hands on them and we’re in the deep green. No fuss, no muss.” observed Rowe.

“So as you can see, it makes absolutely no sense for us to belong to a group like the Chamber of Commerce that endangers such government-guaranteed profiteering,” said Rowe.

“Sure taxes and energy prices will have to skyrocket, and the American economy will take a big hit under cap-and-trade,” but Exelon’s annual profits will increase by an estimated 40 percent ─ did I mention that this is for doing absolutely nothing? In life, you have to make trade-offs. I’ve traded my principles and patriotism for unearned, windfall and government-guaranteed profits.” he added.

In the first six months of 2009, Exelon spent $2.5 million lobbying for the Waxman-Markey bill. If Exelon reaps the expected profits, its return on investment would be on the order of 30,000,000 percent.

“I can only imagine what my annual bonus will look like,” Rowe opined, “I wonder if our payroll system can handle that many zeroes?”

Asked about the new U.S. Chamber of Rentseeking, Rowe said that the first three members will be Exelon, and fellow electric utilities Pacific Gas & Electric and PNM Resources, who also quit the U.S. Chamber of Commerce this week over global warming.

“We’ll probably raid the U.S. Climate Action Partnership (USCAP) for members,” Rowe noted. USCAP is a coalition of big business and environmental activist groups that are lobbying for global warming regulation. “They’ll be eager to join us on the government gravy train.”

As a public service and because rentseeking is not yet a crime, last week announced its “Carbon Criminal” WANTED poster campaign, featuring Exelon CEO John Rowe and other USCAP CEOs.

The posters may be viewed at

Exelon joins U.S. Chamber of Rentseeking has obtained what purports to be a media release announcing Exelon Corp.’s founding of a new industry trade association, the U.S. Chamber of Rentseeking. The announcement follows in the wake of Exelon’s Sep. 28 resignation from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce because of the Chamber’s opposition to carbon dioxide emissions caps.

Chicago, IL, Sep. 28, Un-American Newswire ─ Exelon Corp., the operator of the largest fleet of nuclear power plans in the U.S., announced that it was cancelling its membership in the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to start a new group called the U.S. Chamber of Rentseeking.

“We’ve had enough of free enterprise, free markets, risk, and competition,” said Exelon CEO John Rowe. “The future, as we see it, is rentseeking ─ that is, big business getting in bed with big government in order to guarantee big profits, he added.”

Exelon quit the U.S. Chamber of Commerce because of the Chamber’s opposition to global warming regulation, including its call for a 21st century “Scopes monkey trail” over whether carbon dioxide (CO2) is a pollutant.

“We prefer the view of, say, Stanford University professor Stephen Schneider who recently told the media that there is no safe level of CO2 in the atmosphere,” Rowe noted. “Junk science is good for cap-and-trade and cap-and-trade is good for Exelon ─ we’ll make billions of dollars for doing absolutely nothing,” he added.

Under the Waxman-Markey bill that was passed by the House of Representatives in June, Rowe told Wall Street analysts that Exelon would make up to $750 million annually for every $10-per-ton increase in the price of CO2 allowances that Exelon would get for free under the legislation.

“All we need do is to sell the allowances as soon as we get our hot little hands on them and we’re in the deep green. No fuss, no muss.” observed Rowe.

“So as you can see, it makes absolutely no sense for us to belong to a group like the Chamber of Commerce that endangers such government-guaranteed profiteering,” said Rowe.

“Sure taxes and energy prices will have to skyrocket, and the American economy will take a big hit under cap-and-trade,” but Exelon’s annual profits will increase by an estimated 40 percent ─ did I mention that this is for doing absolutely nothing? In life, you have to make trade-offs. I’ve traded my principles and patriotism for unearned, windfall and government-guaranteed profits.” he added.

In the first six months of 2009, Exelon spent $2.5 million lobbying for the Waxman-Markey bill. If Exelon reaps the expected profits, its return on investment would be on the order of 30,000,000 percent.

“I can only imagine what my annual bonus will look like,” Rowe opined, “I wonder if our payroll system can handle that many zeroes?”

Asked about the new U.S. Chamber of Rentseeking, Rowe said that the first three members will be Exelon, and fellow electric utilities Pacific Gas & Electric and PNM Resources, who also quit the U.S. Chamber of Commerce this week over global warming.

“We’ll probably raid the U.S. Climate Action Partnership (USCAP) for members,” Rowe noted. USCAP is a coalition of big business and environmental activist groups that are lobbying for global warming regulation. “They’ll be eager to join us on the government gravy train.”

As a public service and because rentseeking is not yet a crime, last week announced its “Carbon Criminal” WANTED poster campaign, featuring Exelon CEO John Rowe and other USCAP CEOs.

The posters may be viewed at