Epidemiologist accuses prominent EPA-funded researchers of ‘deliberate misrepresentation’ on key air pollution studies

Retired (but still active) UCLA epidemiologist Jim Enstrom challenges the notorious C. Arden Pope III and Dan Krewski to be honest.

NO… high blood pressure not linked to air pollution

This is yet another crappy epidemiologic study on air pollution that proves nothing about air quality. YET, I LOVE IT. Why? Because the study contains has rarely presented evidence concerning the bias in self-reported ‘data’ versus measured data.

EPA fails to challenge allegations made at National Academy of Sciences hearing on illegal human experiments?

It seems EPA has not yet responded to the allegations we made at the August 24, 2016 National Academy of Sciences public meeting on EPA’s illegal human experiments. Does this mean we win?

FACT SHEET: Particulate Matter in Indoor/Outdoor Air Does NOT Cause Death

This is the ultimate fact sheet for debunking what has become the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s most potent regulatory weapon — the claim that fine particulate matter (soot and dust called PM2.5) in outdoor air kills people. This sheet will be updated regularly as needed. This will be Version 1 (September 22, 2016). Please let … Continue reading FACT SHEET: Particulate Matter in Indoor/Outdoor Air Does NOT Cause Death