Beyond bias: Trade press recasts Rockefeller as an 'EPA skeptic'

We’re all familiar with the so-called mainstream media’s so-called “liberal bias.” Putting aside that the MSM is not “mainstream” and their bias is way to the left of “liberal,” it’s no secret that this bias often-to-usually colors how the MSM reports news stories. But simple bias is not the entire extent of the MSM’s breech of journalistic ethics. Continue reading Beyond bias: Trade press recasts Rockefeller as an 'EPA skeptic'

AMA quacks on climate

By Steve Milloy

The American Medical Association claimed in an April 4 editorial that,

“The shift in the planet’s climate is affecting the health of patients — and physicians are starting to see the results.”

So let’s see how the AMA backs up that assertion. Continue reading AMA quacks on climate

Cruisin' with The Nation: Why red isn't the new green

By Steve Milloy

You can’t imagine the thunderous LOL that emanated from my office last Saturday when I opened my copy of the April 11th issue of The Nation. Yes, you read that right — The Nation, that long-time voice of American comrade-ism. Continue reading Cruisin' with The Nation: Why red isn't the new green

Senate Resolution on Clean Air Act Benefits Slammed as 'Work of Fiction'

WASHINGTON, April 1, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — A proposed Senate resolution citing enormous public health and economic benefits from the Clean Air Act was denounced as “a work of fiction” today by Continue reading Senate Resolution on Clean Air Act Benefits Slammed as 'Work of Fiction'

EPAthetic: Tier 3 gas standards to raise prices and GHG emissions

EPA’s planned “Tier 3” rulemaking to reduce sulfur levels in and volatility of gasoline will not only raise the price of gasoline, but will also increase greenhouse gas emissions. Continue reading EPAthetic: Tier 3 gas standards to raise prices and GHG emissions

Defund EPA's enablers: American Lung Association gets big paycheck for backing agency’s agenda

By Steve Milloy
April 1, 2011, Washington Times

NPR is not the only partisan political organization that ought to have its public funding cut. Congress should put the American Lung Association (ALA) on the chopping block, too. Continue reading Defund EPA's enablers: American Lung Association gets big paycheck for backing agency’s agenda

Sen. cRockefeller misleads public on McConnell amendment

While demagoguing the McConnell amendment to block EPA regulation of greenhouse gases this afternoon, Sen. Jay Rockefeller repeatedly lied to the public by claiming that the McConnell amendment would “permanently” block the EPA from acting on greenhouse gases — regardless of what happened in the future in terms of scientific knowledge about climate.

This, of course, is not true and Sen. Rockefeller knows better. That is, whatever law is passed today, can be amended or repealed in the future. The McConnell amendment simply blocks the EPA from regulating greenhouse gases until Congress gives the agency the legal authority.

Read more about Sen. cRockefeller’s game at Stop EPA Now!.

Pitt prof caught off base in new frack attack

University of Pittsburgh assistant professor Conrad (Dan) Volz issued a report on March 21 to scientists and the U.S. EPA claiming that natural gas industry is dumping carcinogenic agents into drinking water. Continue reading Pitt prof caught off base in new frack attack