Rick Santorum: No place we shouldn't drill

Yes, he appallingly sided with Arlen Specter over Pat Toomey in the 2004 Senate primary in Pennsylvania, but Rick Santorum said the right thing today (and more) when asked about oil drilling. Continue reading Rick Santorum: No place we shouldn't drill

Obama: Job blocker-in-chief

As our economy perhaps heads into another tailspin, it’s worthwhile contemplating how much economic growth and how many jobs President Obama and his comrades are blocking with the EPA and the rest of the federal, state and local regulatory bureaucracies. Continue reading Obama: Job blocker-in-chief

Inhofe requests inquiry into EPA science advisers

Sen. James Inhofe has asked the EPA inspector General to investigate the EPA’s air quality scientific advisory boards, accusing them of improper bias and financial conflict of interest. Continue reading Inhofe requests inquiry into EPA science advisers

EMF scare returns: Maternal appliance use and asthma in offspring?

We were right that air pollution wasn’t causing asthma in kids; it’s actually hair dryers, vacuums and microwaves — or at least that’s what’s being claimed in a new study. Continue reading EMF scare returns: Maternal appliance use and asthma in offspring?