Naomi Klein: ‘If You Take Climate Change Seriously, You Have to Throw Out the Free-Market Playbook’

Comrade Klein on the politics of alarmism. Continue reading Naomi Klein: ‘If You Take Climate Change Seriously, You Have to Throw Out the Free-Market Playbook’

Gleick and the NAS: How did become a member? Will he stay a member?

Disgraced ‘Deniergate” fraudster Peter Gleick is a member of the prestigious National Academy of Sciences. How did that happen and will he be dis-membered? Continue reading Gleick and the NAS: How did become a member? Will he stay a member?

Tooley: Green Evangelicals ‘Masquerade’ New EPA Rule as ‘Pro-Life’

“Expanding the definition of “pro-life” to include environmentalism, for starts, ultimately neutralizes the label altogether.” Continue reading Tooley: Green Evangelicals ‘Masquerade’ New EPA Rule as ‘Pro-Life’

Australian Communist Party Opines on Mining Queen’s Newspaper Investment

“The Rinehart saga is revealing the mining industry as the most powerful, ruthless and avaricious section of Australian capital.” Continue reading Australian Communist Party Opines on Mining Queen’s Newspaper Investment

Earthfirst!: Big Greenwashing 101 (Or How Sierra Club Learned To Stop Worrying About The 99% & Love Wall Street)

“John Muir must be rolling over in his grave. The organization he founded in 1892, the Sierra Club, America’s oldest and largest environmental group, have been in cahoots with the worst of the worst corporations in recent years. They’ve been paid tens of millions of dollars by the fossil fuel industry…” Continue reading Earthfirst!: Big Greenwashing 101 (Or How Sierra Club Learned To Stop Worrying About The 99% & Love Wall Street)