Shocker: Nobel prize winner lied about radiation danger; Data suppression abetted rise of linear no-threshold model

Nobel prize winner Hermann Muller knowingly lied when he claimed in 1946 that there is no safe level of radiation exposure, a new study asserts. Continue reading Shocker: Nobel prize winner lied about radiation danger; Data suppression abetted rise of linear no-threshold model

Cancer cluster among TSA screeners?

As much as we may dislike the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and its often over-the-top airport screening procedures, there is no reason to believe that airport body scanners present any sort of risk of harm to TSA workers. If there is a genuine surge in health effects among TSA employees who work near scanners, the surge is likely due to increased diagnosis and reporting of medical conditions as opposed to radiation exposure. There’s just not enough radiation exposure to workers from the scanners. The scanners can be opposed on grounds of intrusiveness and pointlessness but not safety.

Recall the Surgeon General

Surgeon General Regina Benjamin said today it was appropriate for West Coast residents to buy iodide tablets as a precaution in light of the unfolding nuclear disaster in Japan.

This is ridiculous. Americans will not be exposed to significant amounts of radiation from Japan and so there is no need to scare people.

I’m not sure whether she’s just scaring people in order to help kill off nuclear power in the U.S. or whether she is really that ignorant. But whichever, Regina Benjamin needs to go.