Beyond milkweed: Monarchs face habitat, nectar threats

For the last couple of years, activists have been telling us that Monarchs are about to go extinct because farmers are planting GMO corn fence post to fence post and using glyphosate to kill the Monarch’s favored milkweed. Sounds plausible…but turns out it’s not true. Continue reading Beyond milkweed: Monarchs face habitat, nectar threats

First description of 2015 Zika virus outbreak in Rio de Janiero

“The main route of ZIKV transmission is assumed to be through bites of the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, though only 38% of the patients with confirmed disease specifically remembered mosquito bites.” Continue reading First description of 2015 Zika virus outbreak in Rio de Janiero

IARCgate: UN agency trying to silence blogger exposing conspiracy to label pesticide as cancer-causing

From Risk-Monger blogger, David Zaruk: Continue reading IARCgate: UN agency trying to silence blogger exposing conspiracy to label pesticide as cancer-causing

Study suggests commercial bumble bee industry amplified a fungal pathogen of bees

I wrote about this sort of problem in the commercial bee industry in 2013. Continue reading Study suggests commercial bumble bee industry amplified a fungal pathogen of bees