Exposure to pesticides based on (likely inaccurate) recall. Continue reading Claim: Pesticide exposure linked to increased risk of ALS
Category: Pesticides
Mosquitos debunk global warming concern for Zika
Not a surprise. Mosquitos don’t need warm condition to thrive. Why aren’t we spraying? Continue reading Mosquitos debunk global warming concern for Zika
Claim: Aerial spraying to combat mosquitos linked to increased risk of autism in children
Beyond milkweed: Monarchs face habitat, nectar threats
For the last couple of years, activists have been telling us that Monarchs are about to go extinct because farmers are planting GMO corn fence post to fence post and using glyphosate to kill the Monarch’s favored milkweed. Sounds plausible…but turns out it’s not true. Continue reading Beyond milkweed: Monarchs face habitat, nectar threats
Malaria menace: when insecticide-resistant mosquitoes bite back
“I am convinced that insecticide resistance is the next global embarrassment for the WHO.” Continue reading Malaria menace: when insecticide-resistant mosquitoes bite back
Neonicotinoid seed treatments produce higher soybean yields in the Southern US
“The data do contradict the EPA document to some degree.” Continue reading Neonicotinoid seed treatments produce higher soybean yields in the Southern US
CDC confirms Zika causes microcephaly, other birth defects
Still waiting for the data from Colombia, though. Continue reading CDC confirms Zika causes microcephaly, other birth defects
First description of 2015 Zika virus outbreak in Rio de Janiero
“The main route of ZIKV transmission is assumed to be through bites of the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, though only 38% of the patients with confirmed disease specifically remembered mosquito bites.” Continue reading First description of 2015 Zika virus outbreak in Rio de Janiero
‘Scarier than we initially thought’: CDC sounds warning on Zika virus
Or is it about the money? — “When the president asked for $1.9 billion, we needed $1.9 billion.” Continue reading ‘Scarier than we initially thought’: CDC sounds warning on Zika virus
Brazilian scientists find new Zika-linked brain disorder in adults
Zika is coming
Why aren’t we spraying? Continue reading Zika is coming
IARCgate: How NOT to represent science at the international level
This column about IARC’s effort to railroad the pesticide glyphosphate is now backonline after IARC/activists had it pulled down. Continue reading IARCgate: How NOT to represent science at the international level