JunkScience forces federal toxics chief into nonsensical defense of EPA’s illegal human experiments

A revealing e-mail exchange involving Linda Birnbaum, the director of the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences and National Toxicology Program.

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EPA’s Human Experiments Hypocrisy with Chlorpyrifos

Yes, I’m old enough to remember when Clinton EPA chief Carol Browner condemned human experiments that were being used to support the continued sale of the insecticide chlorpyrifos.

Continue reading EPA’s Human Experiments Hypocrisy with Chlorpyrifos

Commentary: National Academy of Sciences picks EPA corruption over science

The National Academy of Sciences was hired by the EPA to whitewash the agency’s program of illegal human experiments. And it did. But in doing so it vindicated the basic point about EPA — the agency lied to the public about the alleged dangers of PM2.5. Here is my detailed takedown of the infamy.

Continue reading Commentary: National Academy of Sciences picks EPA corruption over science

Elections have consequences… even with EPA’s illegal human experiments

The election of Donald Trump seems to have sent some sort of shock wave through EPA’s Office of Inspector General in the saga over EPA’s illegal human experiments.

Continue reading Elections have consequences… even with EPA’s illegal human experiments

EPA fails to challenge allegations made at National Academy of Sciences hearing on illegal human experiments?

It seems EPA has not yet responded to the allegations we made at the August 24, 2016 National Academy of Sciences public meeting on EPA’s illegal human experiments.

Does this mean we win? Continue reading EPA fails to challenge allegations made at National Academy of Sciences hearing on illegal human experiments?