Feinstein: Veterans May Have PTSD And Should Not Be Exempt From Assault Weapons Ban

“Feinstein says a veteran may be mentally ill and should be prevented from purchasing firearms.” Continue reading Feinstein: Veterans May Have PTSD And Should Not Be Exempt From Assault Weapons Ban

City Wants Power to ‘Disarm Individuals’ During Crisis

“The new rule would allow authorities to confiscate guns of “unruly” people during an extreme weather event such as the April 2011 tornadoes or any other emergency.” Continue reading City Wants Power to ‘Disarm Individuals’ During Crisis

Flashback: CDC says gun at home increases suicide risk by 500%

Why CDC ought not be funded to produce more junk science… if only Adam Lanza had turned his gun on himself before he turned it on others. Continue reading Flashback: CDC says gun at home increases suicide risk by 500%